Simon Cowell Calls Out ‘AGT’ Producers After Trailer Flowers Performance

162 ViewsSimon Cowell took a moment to call out the America’s Got Talent producers during Tuesday’s live show. The judge disapproved of the decision to take time away from Trailer Flowers’ segment to highlight Howie Mandel pressing Heidi Klum’s red buzzer. Simon Cowell Calls Out AGT Producers During Tuesday’s live show, country duo Trailer Flowers performed their original song “Who You Are.” … Read more

This is a unique case in history. Simon Cowell pushed the buttons in hysterics upon hearing this little girl’s performance!

533 ViewsIn the annals of talent competition history, there are truly extraordinary moments, where talent transcends expectations and captivates not only the audience, but also the judges. One such moment occurred when Simon Cowell, known for his insightful critiques and rarely seen moments of unbridled enthusiasm, hysterically pushed buttons upon hearing a little girl’s performance. … Read more

A 9-year-old girl sang a song from Titanic better than the original!!! The jury refused to believe that the girl was singing.!

691 ViewsOnce upon a time, in a small town, there lived a lively and talented 9-year-old girl named Lily. Lily had a passion for singing that was as big as her heart, and her favorite song was “My Heart Will Go On” from the movie Titanic. On a sunny afternoon, Lily’s school held a talent … Read more

It’s a fantastic voice! The room sobbed over his performance and the judges pushed buttons in hysteria

836 ViewsSometimes we can’t help but be amazed by the extraordinary talents that children possess. We’ve heard many captivating stories about young prodigies who, without formal education, extensive experience or specialized training, shine in the worlds of film, theater, visual arts, dance and music, among other fields. Today we are going to introduce you to … Read more